Tuesday 2 June 2009

What's in a name

I've decided to call my blog broken days because of a concept I have. Those fleeting moments where the world runs away from you, you can't hear cars, the sky is blue and so far away and you feel so comfortable, those are broken days. They are usually interrupted by a lorry or laughter from a playground, but either way everything rushes back into existence. I love those moments, they come infrequently, and I chase them.

My name Polymath. Well its just an avatar so that my friends and family aren't insulted by my not being open to them. As a PUA I posted under another name but it was too associated with me, also on a thread I was posting on a fair bit someone said that piercings can add rich character to a polymath. The tread was on style and peacocking by the way. After reading that I thought that it was the perfect word to describe me.

I'm trained as a palaeontologist;
but I'm a philosopher.
An artist.
A musician.
A romantic -- I have actually been called a liar and a charlatan in conversation, I defended the liar bit rather well.
And a socialite.

I'm sure I've missed parts out and that I will gain new fields of expertise in the future, but as it is there are sides to me that I keep at hide away and those I've chosen to nurture in public view. So I am a polymath. So its my new avatar.

Also I'll explain why I am being very correct about my language. I want people to understand it, and I don't want my English skills to go to pot as I will hopefuly be writting a PhD thesis over the next 3 years, so I hope it doesn't bore people too much.

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