Tuesday 9 June 2009

8 Days later

Wow that was rocky!
I've not posted in 8 days. Not because I have a boring life and nothing to write about, far from it. But, because I have had hectic days and I have had very, very tormenting days!

I think I will start with the good. However, leaving the best until last. I spent some days on the beach, ice cream crawling with the couple of good buddies I have left. And I went to London for the day (Wednesday) with one of those friends to meet another good friend that unfortunately moved away. I stayed on with the girl we met to show her more of London and just to run a few tests on her, as she was confusing me with her flirtatiousness. I did compliance tests which she responded to. Gave her hoops to jump through. Broke rapport and left her to regain it. In the end she was giving me major IOI's beyond what any tests could... well, test. Yet seemingly she still wants to be in the friend zone. My best estimate of what is going on is she loves me, but I'm not her type. I don't think I'm going to break that down... whats the point, either it will happen naturally or she'll be a great friend! Frankly, this makes me happy.

Now for the rough stuff. I got my dissertation results back and they were not good. I put all the work in for a first and all I got back was 62%. Not a bad grade, but certainly not what I worked for and not what a few silly mistakes could have caused... Harsh marking? I'll wait and see when the feedback comes.
The unhappy point being however, I need 65% over all to get my PhD and 62% is too low and weighted too strongly. An email to the PhD tutor about what masters I should now do turned my fate. He was kind enough to realise my enthusiasm and tenacity. He will let me on with a low 2.1. Which is very kind of him, and all I can do is be humble!

New bad news today... The harsh marker, that is possibly responsible for this mess marked my 20 credit course as worth 59%. Perhaps the test was fairly marked, however the coursework, I feel was not. This put my heart in my throat to see this! Could the reassuring words of my PhD lecturer have been premature? I quickly calculated my final grade. I pass this year with 62.36%. That's a 2.1, which will hopefully translate into a PhD.

So there's my good news at the end there! Its not confirmed yet, however it is likely that I will be doing a PhD on Pterosaurs come October. I owe a lot of thanks to a lot of people. However, i have had a lot of grief this week for it. Not knowing what to do or where to go. I had back up plans as aforementioned, but I quickly realised when it came to it that this is all I want!

I'm home now, for a well deserved rest. I might not have come out with a first, but I sure as hell worked for one!
Guess I had better start learning all there is to know about pterosaurs now.
I think I'll brush up my Game this summer too. I'm getting lonely and I want someone to experience some new things with. I could do with a new friend circle too, so what better way than practicing my social skills and making myself meet new people.

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